News & Updates
Markets and private sector investment are an important driver of community-based adaptation.
During the eighteenth Community Based Adaptation conference participants reflected on how to engage private se...
Putting Uganda’s biggest users of climate adaptation knowledge at the heart of its creation
Communities worst affected by the climate crisis are often excluded from the creation and sharing of informati...
18th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation (CBA18)
The 18th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation has taken place in Arusha, Tanzania from 6-9th...
Addressing migration driven by Climate Change: Lessons from COP27
On 01 December 2022, African Centre for Trade and Development (ACTADE) convened a dialogue together with our p...
The Place of Migrants and Urban Refugees in Uganda’s Labor Market
On 06th October 2022 at the Media Challenge Initiative- MCI Media Hub, we convened a discussion together with ...
Okere Summit for Sustainable Development
Reimagining Rural Futures The inaugural Okere Summit for Sustainable Development was organized from 26th-29th ...
Private Sector Forum: Why Corporate Social Impact Investment Matters!
The Private Sector Forum was organised in partnership with Konrad Adenauer......
Green Growth Summit: Re-thinking business strategies to promote green growth
Uganda launched its National Green Growth Development Strategy in 2017 to gui......
Harnessing Women Efforts In Digitizing Agriculture Value Chains For Economic Development
ACTADE supports local communities to anticipate and build resilience to impa......
Empowering And Engaging Citizens To Participate In Local Government Budget Accountability
ACTADE has been credited for empowering communities in their civic obligations. Buhimba sub County Chairperson...